Good afternoon friends, I am looking for a flashlight to mount on my 308 victory. I am looking for a flashlight with good range and good launcher, since I use to see through the telescopic sight, I have in mind the UF-1503 or the Brinyte B158, I have an Xp-G2 (dedome) Someone can tell me which flashlight to give me more Kds) Thank you very much to everyone. Regards!
Woooow!!! Is very good! With xp-g2? Congratulations!
Yep m8, dded good old S4 1D
I wish I could de-dome a G2… throwers are cool.
Use a xacto knife, a regular knife, or a razor blade and slice the top of the led dome straight down…careful not to hit a bond wire or phosphor, then place it in gas for a while. I usually get a pot of boiling water and place a jar of gas with the led suspended in the jar. The boiling water will make the gas boil long after the water stops boiling. You can also just use a battery, connect it to the mcpcb to light the led for about 15 to 20 seconds at a time and carefully lift the dome off with a knife from the negative side of the mcpcb to the positive side (towards the bond wires). There are many topics on the forum on how to do this.
It is also good to add some sort of seal on the phosphor
I used clear paint used for cars, added just enough to cover the led with a qtip, forming a shallow dome then dried out.
With a little clear paint dome
A little air bubble on negative side
Dryed paint
Really? That is the first I’ve heard of using clear paint. Is it expensive? Do you have a link?
Hi Mitko,
Would you mind to post the details of this mod? I am interested in building one.
B158 all the way. I haven’t had the UF-1503, but have modded several UF-1504’s. The B158 are much higher quality and lighter weight. The UF’s had sloppy threads, mushy switches, etc.
Well, if one wants things maxed out: 1504 FTW. I`ve mounted mine on a high recoil 300WM Steyr SSG and it holds, it tops 580k kcds and i can see the jackal`s blinking clearly at about 1km with my scope and that torch
For .308 paired with a regular hunting scope even a good modded C8 will do
Its a good idea to add a very thin film of clear laquer normally used for cars
It may add 1/10mm of protective layer to avoid phosphor degradation
If the LED gets overdriven hard probably heat resistent one needed
Something important: 1503/4/5 lenses aint good, many ot the b158 ones too( comes scratched and “twisted”) a good lens as a replacement here works miracles
i have considered a clear coat too, but i have read (in the past) that it costs a couple of lumens too.
None the less, when you happen to have a speck of dirt on the phosphor (i’m a smoker so there’s ashes all over the place…), it’s good to have a protective coating you can safely clean.
Where do you get a replacement? (link?)
Mine has a bit of a blurry zone on the edge.
Mitko so you have found the 1504 to out-throw the B158?… (all else being equal of course)
Yep throw-optics are $$$. Whether its a reflector or aspheric, optical quality will cost. You can only get so much for the $45 price range…. AFIAK.