Flashlight identification

This is my first post so I am going to introduce myself. My names Clinton and I like flashlights! I have been watching forums for a while now and decided to join. So last month my girlfriend bought me this flashlight and I can’t find it anywhere online. They told me it was 150 lumens, it has 3 modes high low and strobe. Takes a single AA and no focus.

Flashlight in hand

Bottom of head

Top of head

Tail cap


Body of light

I didn’t know how to post them without it being huge so I linked them. Any help is appreciated.

Looks like the classic Sipik SK68 or one of the many similar clones/derivations.

At DX.

At FT.

its not an sk68, the lens does not look zoomable and the shape while similar is not quite the same

That’s what I thought but this doesn’t zoom. Haven’t been able to find it anywhere. Looks close though. Thanks.

Where did she get it from?

She got it from the gadget guy booth at the fair. It wasn’t in a box or anything. So no details other than what they told us.

sk68 with reflector head instead of zoom and different shape on the tailcap. Whatever that would be.

Does like like a simmilar shape and size to a SK68, but definitely not a zooming light as the SK68 is. I never seen this one before.

It looks like a clone of a Uniquefire uf-v16.

UF-V16 can be found here (Lightmalls) or here (Wallbuys)