Flashlight University

Well they have a "battery university" for us...just came across the "flashlight university"

Information definitely can't hurt...especially if you are noob like me and need all the help I can get!

Stuff like this would be EXCELLENT for beginners to learn the vernacular for flashlights

Probably has been posted here a million times though

it looks like there is an awfull lot of advertisements out there, I wonder how neutral the articles are?

i see what you did there 8)

If we are talking about flashlight we can't rely on kelvin alone, that is a bit outdated. Always blue to yellow and green to pink, 2 axis not only 1.

Seems like the whole site is geared toward driving people to the commerce site: brightguy.com.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m thinking we’re not going to see many reviews of quality alternative market lights not sold by brightguy.

No joke, got a link to your good post?