Interesting article on how an eleven year old boy discovered that flashlights are the key to keeping down lion attacks. Nairobi in Kenya has among the highest fatality rates from lions anywhere. They also lose livestock to these beasts. So a young boy discovered flashlights ward them off (something the entire Kenyan government has been unable to do for years!)
+1 more flashlight uses
May be It will for elephants in here too
Hehe. It’s just funny how less than $10 in LEDs can do what $1,000+ cages only wished they could do as easily.
But yeah, always an excuse to get more lights…uh, I think my apartment is being inundated with lions! I know what to do!
wondering if the lions will smarten up after awhile.
if so, they could ‘train’ the lions to associate the lights w/ a .500 nitro express (which, I suppose, they lack…)
I can attest that this works well.
There are *zero* lions around my house.
that this was really pretty $@!%$# funny.
Btw, my mother-in-law could accomplish the same thing without any flashlights involved and most likely would be permanently effective with just one visit. Although transporting her there unfortunately would prolly be cost-prohibitive for these folks.
Yep, lion free here too! When I read the title, I thought it meant ‘flashlights stop li-ons’ haha
That's pretty understandable -- at least most of my flashlights eat Li-ions. Li-ions will be scared and run for their lives!
Or maybe one of the lights was The Li-ion King?
No lions or elephants here either. Is there nothing flashlights can’t do?
Apparently they are no use against baboons, our parliament is full of them ! J)
My brothers in laws have a deli and slaughter house up north. They also have Siberian Tigers. They’ve never had a problem with bears.
I wonder if it will work in bulk even if the lions don’t figure it out. Right now most of the farms are the equivalent of fast food with drive through. A couple got made less appealing by being riskier to hunt- they closed the drive through. They lions are still just going for the easiest kill. When everybody has a system all the domestic livestock is equally risky.
The question at that point is just a matter of whether it’s easier to ignore the lights or switch back to all non-domesticated food. They’re still going to eat.
Very true baterija. They will always eat. Like electricity and many things - following the path of least resistance to do so. Really can’t blame the lions at all.
Neat story. Very clever young guy. I hope this takes off and he is reimbursed somehow.
Wonder if different color of light has varying effect on cats?… Sorta like the DHS nausea-inducing crowd control light that was talked about not long ago…
I always wonder what my various lights look like to my cats. They seem more affected by some than others, but can’t put my finger on why or figure the pattern of behavior.
Definitely an awesome effort on his part. From the simple idea of flashlights seeming to scare them off he built a cheap, sustainable system that doesn’t actually require someone being up all night with a light. I sort of wonder if there aren’t some other cues, either light type or something like a simple noise maker that could “raise the resistance” as it were to reduce them preying on domesticated animals more when everyone has lights.
Or potentially they are intentionally playing mind games with you. I put nothing past a cat.
LoL you could be right! I wouldn’t put it past a pussy either.