Flat top neodinium magnet alternative

A spam link (IMO) was posted yesterday and I had a quick browse and came across this.

I know some people still use magnets but this is a safer and better idea and easy to make for us blf folk.
I’m posting the link to show the idea only, this looks easy enough to make at home

The Idea is not bad, but the price?

I simply added a 19 cent brass pill to my batteries

Easy enough to make, I thought I had suggested that in my original post but missed it out reading back

I wanted to post a fresh picture of some solder-blob-tops, but Tinypic didn’t cooperate just now…
Maybe later…

I think these are better and less expensive (and the maker doesn’t spam)

They bundle one with the BLF Host Z1, which comes with a second-battery tube.

Just need a spring bypass… :stuck_out_tongue:

The price is ridiculous.
You can buy 2x 18650 quality cells for that money.

Yeah with points on GB you can get 2 18650-30Q for 6.11$

Nylon washers and neodymium magnets are pretty cheap.
Solder blob is even cheaper.
Ordering the correct batteries the first time… Priceless.

Tinypic is working again, so here’s the blobs:

(Have not been used yet, still nice and shiny)

How do you keep the brass pill in place?

Otherwise I was thinking of soldering, but my soldering skills are mediocre at best and probably set-your-house-on-fire at worst.

With soldering, I understand you need scratch the flat top a bit for the solder to bond better. Do you add any flux to it as well?
Or can you just melt the solder wire and plant the molten blob on to the flat top and let it cool?

Those blobs looks great.
Done my fair share of soldering over the years but I am shure more than me would like to have a small video on creation of those with info. on watt, tip, flux?, preparation? and solderwire mix.

I did actually do a search on YouTube a couple of days ago and for once came up empty.

-lyse99, lazy towards perfection :wink: