For all of you that will have Thanksgiving

I wish all of you to have a Safe Thanksgiving, on the 28th and a happy one, with good food, family and friends...

...and remember those who do not have that luxury on Thanksgiving.

+ 1

I’m very thankful for so many blessings…BLF is one of ’em. Thanks everyone for a cool forum. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Best wishes to you and yours this Thanksgiving as well! :slight_smile:

And to everyone else too, Happy Thanksgiving!

Those are very nice sentiments. Thanks for the post.

Happy Thanks ! : D

I know its not about the turkey but it is about the turkey :smiley: ” likes me some turkey ”

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it. Two extra days off is nice!

Happy thanksgiving everyone!

Please consume a lot of turkey on behalf of those who cannot. :slight_smile:

THANKS OL! We all have a lot to be thankful for.

Any of us that can, visit your local food bank or favorite charity and donate a little or a lot..... It is the best feeling in the world to sit down at a Thanksgiving meal and know you just might have helped someone less fortunate have the same! Try It... It's ADDICTIVE!

God Bless All. Dan.

I'm thankful to be able to hang out with all of you .

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

i wish you all the best thanksgiving! (sorry turkeys)

A Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and all the BLF folks.

Nice to think of you to think of those working, my wife is a retired nurse and spent many a holiday taking care of the sick.

Happy Thanksgiving! 8)

It’s been a very difficult year my family and I. I find it all the more reason to step back tomorrow and take stock of our blessings.

I’d like to thank you folks, I come here to peruse the daily banter, babble, bicker and wit as a form of stress relief. I may even learn something along the way, though that is not necessarily my intention.

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, best wishes to you all.

Best wishes to all with a little pay it forward on the side.

Best wishes to you and everyone else as well.

Happy Thanksgiving for those who have it.
Best regards from the U.K.

Officially Thanksgiving day
Now that it’s past midnight
I’m thankful and grateful to those on this forum that have
Helped me learn a thing or two and given of there knowledge and skills

We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving over here, but for those who do, cheers.
I am member of several online forums but I have to say that…
This is the forum with the most friendly and helpful ppl of the whole world!! :bigsmile: Thank you!