For Christmas we got a puppy!! And I need BLF to help with names for the lil guy :D

After many months of tossing around the idea of getting a dog, we finally did it. We ended picking him up on Dec. 26. He was born on Halloween and he is a little bundle of joy.

He is a healthy mix of trouble-maker, heart-melter and hilarity. He is a yorkie-poo and thus far, we are having a tough time all deciding on a name for him.

So I come to you my fellow BLF’ers! I know that you are all creative and I’d love to hear some great suggestions.

Looking for something cute yet suits this little rascal.

Introducing our new pup:

" Looking for something cute yet suits this little rascal. "

I like Rascal .

I also like Dammit .

Mr. Wiggle-butt. Its what I should have named my little hyper pup.

Coyote bait? LOL … J/K… From the looks of the little guy… “Trouble” might be a fitting name.

Sorry! Photobucket isn’t working for me so I had to upload the pics from my phone.

Pics up now :slight_smile:

I’m terrible at naming but what a cute puppy!

Name him Giuseppe,we bred yorkshires a while back and sold one that looked exactly like him!

Very cute!! I like “Chewy” He reminds me of Chewbacca. :wink:


Winnie the Yorkie poo

Not too creative but that’s all I can think of.
Very cute puppy.

We wanted chewy!! But our friends named their dog that :frowning:

Lightning…get it…Light-ning? Sorry…that’s all I can come up with :bigsmile:

I can't think of any names but that is a really cute dog!!! :D


Nope…got another one in me…LED (Light Emitting Dog)



Cute puppy. He looks like a “Buster” to me.

My wife just told me her Grandmother had a Yorkypoo named Monster. He liked beer and your couldn’t baby talk to him or he would growl at you.

That sucks!! :frowning: