Ok this is a Trustfire J-18 it has been modified to include XM-L2 emitters the center one has been de-domed for a more neutral tint. The driver has been swapped to the IO driver so 2.8 to 3amp per emitter. All emitters are perfectly centered and they were lapped to the aluminum and I used the best epoxy on the market for a great thermal pathway. This light is just incredibly bright. The beam is one large hot spot in the middle with a good flood it is not ringy at all.
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XM-L2’s at 3a are over 1,000 lumens each and I believe that is what this light is running at with the King Kong ICR batteries. These are unprotected batteries that are capable of high amp use. I don’t know how this light will run on protected batteries, in fact it might trip the protection on them. Also I would not suggest running this on high for extended times. The driver is supposed to have thermal protection and kick down to low when it gets hot but I wouldn’t take the chance. Even on medium it’s simply unreal how bright it is.
Nope I didn’t post this build I just put it together last night. I took it for a good long walk and I was very impressed. What did surprise me was that I checked the batteries this morning before sticking them back in the charger and they were not really low at all. It must be very efficient. If it doesn’t sell I’ll have to think about getting a lens just for the heck of it. I almost didn’t list it for sale but I have a couple things I really want to buy and I can always make another one up. If it doesn’t sell fairly fast I’ll probably pull the add and keep it. It’s one hell of a light, just plain crazy amount of light.
Well I know a couple of guys that want one, just a matter of the funds I'm sure. I got like 20 16mm SinkPAD's sitting around, so just ordered qty 10 of bare XM-L2 U2 1C's from Hank for special price (way cheaper than IS right now), so maybe 7 of them can go into this. Really wonder what type of impact the de-domed center emitter has - very interesting idea.
I think all it does in this one is just makes the tint nicer. The light has throw from pure lumen power but the center emitter is too small to provide any big boost in throw.
Oh and heat wasn’t too bad really at least not in the time I ran it. My 6xU3 gets hotter, but it also has a much bigger head for more throw that’s why I’m keeping it rather than this one. Tough choice though really. I just figured this one would sell faster.