The rope can also be a guide for help to find you just in case.
So if you find a large cache of gold ,gems or artwork…Does that mean we all get free Q8’s ?
I did a little cave exploration in college, kinda freaked me out a bit. I am a little claustrophobic.
It was a bit rainy but we walked there (my son and me)
About 2 meters inside there is a spot one can stand
Several erosion channels come together there so one can see up
It starts to make sense now, it was covered but this erosion makes water enter (it was dripping a bit) and that water slowly washes away the dirt used to close it.
My son said it smelled like poop and we saw paths made by animals going up the steep hill (found deer droppings in our mill stream, saw deer’s run and we have found deer, small deer, fox and wild boar tracks on a sandy place on tgw riverbank last year
So when it is dry we surely gonna take the notebook and cam
It is like a thing from the books I read when I was a kid
Cool thing is, only the elderly know it is there and think it is closed so we are like the only ones knowing about it now
My son, normally not liking rainy weather, cold or dirt (lol who does ) actually liked checking it and wants to explore more.
Cool find! France some has quite a lot of really seriously impressive cave systems that start with only a small discrete little hole. I’ve been in a few myself. Keep us updated!
An Olight X7 Marauder would be nice to have along in that situation.
I, of course, have several alternatives that would also fare well in a cave.
As far as you and your son being the only ones that know, well, I think you might have let that slip to a few thousand people around the world. By the time you get ready to go explore, there will probably be a big tent set up with a few hundred avid caver’s already deep inside. lol
Any update on this? I’m definitely interested in this cave system you’ve located. I’m looking forward to seeing more pics when you’ve had opportunity to explore further.
Well we have had some rain ( raining now again)
So water in the millstreams so lots of cleaning work (heavy tiring)
Since the ceiling hole lets water in the cave we wait for a period of a week dry weather before taking the notebook and 25m endoscope for further examination
Checked it out today
Could enter about 40 meters, had to tiger a part
There sure is a system but all was closed
I saw some damages in the ceiling where rocks have broken off, lighter color, matching rocks laying right below it.
It does seem not entirely stable and thus not worth digging to see if the rest can be opened up.
Thanks for the update……… :+1:
This is really cool. Shame that it sounds too unsafe to explore further. It would have been great if someone is able to make it all the way through and take pictures.
Made some pics but scale is very hard so not showing anything
I had to crawl about 10 meters and there was more space
Left a small tunnel about 10 meters but no higher then 50cm blocked
And a large tunnel going left and right but also blocked so I could only see ceiling but not far. Judging by the entrance it is about 2 meters high making it a lot of dirt and stone blocking it
Being a caver, I would highly recommend contacting the nearest caving group. Most caves are dangerous without the proper equipment and a few of the suggestions given in this thread are not good advice.
Caving clubs would either be aware of this place already or be very interested in learning more about it.
Whatever you do, don't go in again without proper equipment and preparation. Being on the receiving end of a cave rescue is not an enjoyable experience.
Sounds scary to me. Crawling through gaps underground with a cave in a possibility anytime. No thanks.
Yeah that is why we are leaving it as is and will not try to dig our way into the real system, probably closed for a reason
You could drive a RC car ( offroading one and slow ) with a cctv camera and a transmitter on it, same as used in FPV on drones and what not radio controlled.
Tehn you can sit at the entrence and see on a little LCD screen what the car see in there, off course you might want to add some light to the car too though many cheap bord CCTV cameras do well in low light.
Thats what i would do at first, but i also have all the gear at hand, so really i just need to get to the entrance.
I have 2 Watt - 900 MHZ transmitter and receiver and a little LCD screen, for my remote driving little RC trucks experiments.
BUT ! the north Atlantic ocean is a long swim, and that’s all i can afford as a Dane on pension.
Dont really have caves here aside for a few off limit old limestone mines.
It may be worth visiting a library to look for old maps or finding a local history group who may have some info, seems interesting though.
Yeah we plan on checking a bit higher on the hill, it was slippery last time so we did not go further, yet there seems to be a plateau with a sleep rocky edge higher up, so maybe another entrance is there.
For me, it makes sense now, the family La Rochefoucauld has bought and renovated our mill several times through the ages (the famous write La Rochefoucauld has owned our mill for example)
Elderly locals tell the caves lead to the castle 800 meters away.
Our downstream mill stream shows signs of docking place for boats
So I think this was a emergency dug out place for them, and needed to be working not ruined.
Hence our mill still exists where the mill of similar size and use upstream at the other side of town has vanished and only 1 milk stone and the mill streams and islands prove it used to have a mill there.
That would be a really good way to lose your RC car and camera.
No I entered as far as I could get and all was blocked.
Smart idea having a RC thing (roped ) check it out but I don’t have that kind of gear.