Kinda like the free sofa or mattress you see at the curb…Those come with bedbugs, these come with alkaline leaks…
…ack, I just got the joke, nm
A joke right?
That’s about a fourth of what I have in my “dead” battery stash. I’ll take them anyway. Send me a pm for my address details. Time to put my vampires to work.
I used to buy NiMH rechargeable batteries that were not LSD because I didn't know better.
(This was before I found BLF, and before BLF existed.)
I would keep track of how much mAh the batteries would hold.
Then I found good LSD batteries like eneloops, and I quit keeping track of which batteries were good and which weren't.
Eneloop batteries seem to last forever compared to regular NiMH batteries.
I have dozens of "dead" rechargeable NiMH batteries somewhere around here.
A proton and a neutron walk into a bar…
The neutron asks the proton if he would like a beer. He thinks for some time (he doesn’t usually drink you see, but as he was with his good friend the neutron, he decided to treat himself) and said yes.
Seeing his friends indecisiveness, the neutron asked, ‘’Are you sure?’’
Another ponderous glance and then a quick reply ‘’Yes, I’m positive’’
The neutron smiles and nods, walks to the bar and asks for two beers. The barman, who knows him well (the neutron is a rather popular particle in those parts) pronounces
‘’For you sir, no charge!’’,
to the envy of the other customers. The neutron and the proton hence became best friends.