1 year in BLF + 1k posts (soon) + Christmas Holiday = GIVEAWAY!!!
It has been a great year at BLF. There tons of helpful folks in here, spending great deal of their personal time, sharing their flashlight knowledge, experiences, organizing GB and secretdeals (cough cough) with the community. I have greatly benefited over this period and I am very thankful with their contributions in here.
For that, I am giving away one brand new XTAR VC2 out from my own pocket to one lucky BLFer. I hope new members who have just started collecting flashlight, to stay away from those dangerous cheap chargers. If you have already owned a bunch of chargers at home, you probably want to give others a chance.
1 entry per person. Please indicate if you are IN (keyword) for the charger. Thank you message alone will not be considered as giveaway participation.
Must have at least 300 posts > Active member.
Giveaway starts NOW and end on Sat, 13th Dec 2014 (12:00PM London time). A Closed message will be post at the end of the day or earlier.
1 lucky winner will be pick by random.org on SAME day based on their original post # (no.)
Giveaway opens to all BLF members but make sure your country is covered under shipping destination for GearBest.
Members are encourage to a screencap your own post with #no as proof. Do not delete your post, even you have made a mistake. I will exclude error or duplicate post automatically.
Congratulations on you 1.000 posts. At the rate I’m posting, I’ll reach that point shortly after the year 2030, or so.
Obviously I don’t qualify for this marvelous and generous giveaway. Thats OK, having an OPUS BT-C3100 myself.
Your intention is to thank the experienced fellow-BLF-ers who have supported you when you just started.
But, as “spamman” already writes in post #10, “Wouldn’t someone with 300 posts already have a good charger…”
When you reach the 2.000 post mark, and you plan to do another great giveaway,
you might consider including those who might not know enough “to stay away from those dangerous cheap chargers”.
And on your turn help an unexperienced fellow-BLF-er on his/her narrow path into the light.
Having said all that, I’m confident that this charger will be won by someone who can make good use of it.
Because this is a fantastic and useful giveaway (which I might not have said clear enough, english not being my native language)