Anyone know of a good drop light?
Features Requested:
Durable, this guy goes through two or more drop lights each year.
Bright enough for mechanic work in/around motor vehicles.
If wireless, needs a reliable/safe charge port.
Anyone know of a good drop light?
Features Requested:
Durable, this guy goes through two or more drop lights each year.
Bright enough for mechanic work in/around motor vehicles.
If wireless, needs a reliable/safe charge port.
He pointed this one out to me.
Yeah, way too expensive; however, he likes the sleek design and charging station. Looking for something in the < $50 area.
I’m not sure about the performance of the little 5mm LEDs, but something that runs on multiple AA/AAA (eneloops) with a safe charging port/station would probably be ideal.
Well, I would certainly save up for that fine, fine sleek $100 one.
It’s only just a little more than $1.— per LED, so…
These have hooks and magnets. Maybe you could get a few of them run on 14500?
Most mechanics i know, use and love these…
They last a long time on alkaline batteries. We had power out for days during an ice storm in Michigan. I had 2 of these hanging in the kitchen. Each person had one. It’s really the best bang for the buck if you don’t need super bright. Then again you could stick 2-3 of them under a car, hang a couple from the frame, stick them under the hood of a car. Just get rid of the cheap batteries that come with it. They aren’t nearly as good as a $30-$50 light. But with no cord and no charging needed you end up grabbing these a LOT because it’s all that’s required.
- Joe