fritz15 - Machine Made - Last UPDATE 10/31

Let us continue :slight_smile:

Here the LED together with the programmed driver:

I ended up using a XP-L for maximal output and a nice floody beam.

Two silicone wires soldered to the led:

Some heat paste and a thin protector for the LED:

And now …

… I failed miserably.

Who can see it?

Exactly, there is a huge gap between bezel and the head due to a wrong drawing. Well, no precision in the world can help when I am unable to draw the correct dimensions :person_facepalming:
Anyway, now thinking about it, I don’t know if I mind that much since it could be a great way to install a clip. But yeah, you also see, the driver is soldered in place.

Here a shot from the front:

And the inside with the positive battery contact:

Well, now I am officially done so here are a few outdoor shots at the beautiful Danish sand dunes (without gap haha) :slight_smile: