fritz15 - Machine Made - Last UPDATE 10/31

  1. Getting started
    1. First parts arriving
    2. My lathe setup
  2. Machining the tailcap
    1. Shaping the outside
    2. Machining the inside
  3. Making the body
    1. Cutting the thread for the tailcap and shaping the body
    2. Cutting the square thread for the head
    3. Boring the body and grooving it
    4. Slotting body and tailcap on the outside
  4. Creating the head
    1. Machining the outside
    2. Boring out the head
    3. Cutting the square threads (fail included)
    4. Cutting the threads for the bezel
  5. Making the bezel
    1. Shaping the outside and cutting the thread for the head
    2. Adding indents to the bezel
  6. Finishing the mechanical parts
    1. Deepening the groove through the body
    2. Making a POM isolator and a brass ring
  7. Designing the PCBs
    1. Switchboard-fail
    2. A first driver design
    3. The final Switchboard layout
  8. Finishing the Light
    1. Soldering the driver
    2. Installing the LED
  9. The finished flashlight