fritz15 - Machine Made - Last UPDATE 10/31

Now I am nearly done with the mechanical part. I am missing a few small details here and there. Remember the indent in the body ? There is room for a plastic isolator as well as a brass ring which will transmit the switch signal to the driver. I started by making the black plastic isolator out of black POM:

I wanted to have a nice tight fit so it would stay in place later:

Since the battery tube does not have a centred hole for the battery, I needed to make the isolator with an uncentred hole as well. You see the thin metal sheet which is under one of the jaws:

Here is a picture of the parted off isolater after I put it in place:

Next, the brass ring:

Here the brass ring is in place:

Next I took a break for some dinner:

For the construction to work, I still needed to make a groove in the brass ring as well as in the POM isolator. I put the body back on the rotary table:

The tool was still in the collet:

Everything was nearly done, I just needed a few more holes in the head:

I drilled two holes for the wires leading to the LED as well as one hole to screw on the driver (I hope that will work…), which had to be threaded:

I had to be very careful with the titanium in order not to break the tool. It helped using lots of rapeseed oil:

So, the mechanical parts are done just in time since I will go back to Denmark in a few days. Here is a picture of the progress so far:

What comes now is the board for the switch and the driver. I will design those in eagle and get them made by OSHpark. The driver will feature seven 380mA ACM7135 linear drivers as well as a Attiny25V/45V/85V.
Anyway, thanks for following my progress so far :slight_smile: