Sorry I didn’t get that one :zipper_mouth_face:
OK, so I just failed miserably…
First, I want to thank Mattaus again for his amazing Eagle tutorials. I watched them a few days ago and they are really great and incredibly helpful.
As mentioned I will use a RAFI tactile switch in the light, since I prefer the variety of different user interfaces as well as the 1000000 cycle lifespan. So I created the footprint according to Mattaus tutorial and that worked out well. Motivated by my process I created a switchboard for my light. The board will be assembled between the body and the tailcap. I also already ordered the board from OSHpark. I shouldn’t have done that and first asked you guys for help. :person_facepalming: At least I only wasted 3.something $, so it could have been worse…
Can anyone spot the mistake?
Here is the top of my board:
The outer ring is the ground ring and the lower trace leads down to the bottom of the board
And here the bottom:
Again, the outer ring is the ground ring and on to the line on the bottom I will solder on the wire which carries the switch signal.