Thanks for the nice words!
OK, I think I’ll keep the switchboard as it is. In the worst case I have to scrape the contact free with a toothpick or something else.
I found some time yesterday (who am I kidding? I left everything else untouched and spent the whole day on that…) to work on the driver. It is a normal linear driver, based on AMC7135s with an Attiny45V, although it’ll have some nice features.
The driver ‘Lin7’ has the following features:
- Input voltage 4.2V - 2.5V
- Output current 2660mA
- Outer diameter 22mm
- Reverse polarity protection diode
- No parts on the bottom side
- One AMC7135 is separate from the others for a low ‘Low mode’
- Attiny45V MCU
- Possibility of reprogramming the MCU without disassembling the light
These are the hardware features, additionally it will have the following software features:
- moUI with four directly accessible modes
- Low battery protection
- High temperature protection
- Locator flash
- Burst mode
- Programmable modes which can be stores into the Eeprom
Here is the driver layout, starting with the top:
The top layer:
And the bottom:
Here the bottom layer:
You might notice the six holes which are not vias and are located pretty close to the outside of the board. My plan is to insert single IC connectors and use those together with jumper wires to ISP program the Attiny45V while the driver is still assembled. Has anyone tried something similar before?
And I have a few questions regarding the design, I guess it is best if I open another topic in the modding area. Of course I will provide my eagle files, I just want to change a few things.