Got a catalog from these folks. Noticed they sell some “tactical flashlights”. Suspect these are simply rebranded (and marked up?). Does anyone recognize these models?
Nuthin huh? OK. Guess maybe they aren’t rebranded……
well the explorer sure looks like a p60 host of some sort.
I’m going to guess that these are along the same lines as those guard-dog brand lights I saw last weekend at the gun show in dallas…. (rebranded and grossly over priced)
At the show they had XRE-Q5 leds and were claiming 500 lumens…… not even close more like 180 to 200 lumens max (probably the same as the ones you linked) and they had the audacity to charge upwards of $60!!!
One of the vendors who didn’t BS about lumens and such noticed I had a light in my pocket (Balder HD-1 XML U2 with fresh 14500), I showed him the output of that and he was blown away! Then I told him how much I paid for it haha!
Wow that got off topic a tad sorry about that…
Those are way too expensive for what they are
Oh I definitely realize they are overpriced. That’s interesting you saw q5s at that gun show. If that is what emitter these frontgate ones have that is some major BS. I figured the lumen ratings were crap but man that’s crazy.
I’m starting to get pretty disturbed and pissed by companies pulling this crap. I thought the shady amazon seller claiming to be selling first responder gear was an isolated example but it seems like its all over the place.
Scummy greedy folks. Ugh
I remember at a fishing expo several years back before I got into flashlights there was a vendor selling flashlights. He was selling sipik 68 clones for 20 bucks and 501b no name lights with universal charger (the ones on eBay for like 3 bucks) for 60 and blue ultrafire 18650’s for 15 bucks a pair. The lights weren’t exactly flying out the door but he was making some money because of the mark up. They were not well made because I had paint flake off in my hand and the machining was pretty rough. I think most vendors at shows like that count on impulse buys more than anything.