Frosted lens ...

Now everyone know about using hairspray to frost a lens right ?

Well we didnt have any hairspray , so I thought - why not underarm deodorant ? Norsca smells nice ! hmmmm piney goodness …

Light is my dual XM-L U2 , and it always had a slightly nasty beam due to the Dual emitters … The frosty lens helps to clean up the beam , yes there is output loss . So you needs to ask yourself , what is more important ?

With the current set up , I might be getting a large loss , maybe 2 to 3 hundred lumen , thats a fair chunk of change for a slight improvement in the beam …

I will take it for a walk tonight to see if its worth while …

For close up work , a really heavy frosting works wonders , even as a photography light , a smooth flawless light , superb … Again how much loss can you bear ?

But it all comes down to intended use …

The good thing is , you can wipe it off , experiment with how much frost affect you go with , and different effects … Notice the small dot on mine , there to defuse the effects of the dual XM-L …

Have fun everyone … Deodorant [ spray on ] or hairspray … Go for it !

If you have another half I hope that she is very forgiving. You may get plenty off offers from the fairer sex with this light.

Take a bead blaster to the lens. Just have another handy if you don't like it