FS: 700+ lumen flashlight bulb for use with Maglite C and D.


Lets just cut to the chase>>>>>>>>>


So what is better about version 2.0?

>More heat sinking than ever before.
Each bulb is now dedicated C or D to for a perfect fit.

>New MOP reflector for a softer beam.
The smooth beam with a good balance of hot spot and spill.

>Simple easy to use interface.
Standard UI in all dropins is now 3 L,M,H with memory mode that ANYONE can use, further increasing the ability for friends and family members to share out love of super bright flashlights

>Best of all NEW LOWER PRICE!!!

>Shipping is now FREE!!

Here is a clip from the original thread if you have not seen this before.

If your reading this thread then like me you appreciate the fine looks and good quality of a Maglite host. Maglites are some of the most durable and brightly colored hosts on earth.

That said most of you know there is room for some improvement in the out put area. The world is not short of "upgrades" for maglite, but many of these have a disappointing output, can require significant modification to the mag host, require special batteries, and many cost several hundred dollars .

Today Adventure Sport Flashlights™ recognizes these issues and has answered the call to create something better.

The Adventure Sport Super Bulb™ drop-in addresses all of these issues. This piece of technology was countless hours in development, but worth every moment.

These bulbs are a perfect fit for both C or D maglites, and use requires no modification of the light, special skills or any tools. It takes any 3-4 cell Mag ( with C/D in the serial number) and transforms it into a wall of fire in less than 60 seconds.

Furthermore because of its ease of use this bulb transcends the boundaries and walls of typical flashaholic use. Its an exceptional choice for family and friends with no in depth knowledge of traditional super lights. To further encompass all of our fellow man in the thrill of bleeding edge technology, best of all the Adventure Sport Super Bulb™ requires NO SPECIAL BATTERIES OR CHARGERS!!

Yes, of course NIMH cells are going to be more cost effective and drive the bulb better, but the point is you can still use alkalines if you really want to

Here is the 60 second install.

Output summary.

Dummy C and D cells now available. These cells will enable Superbulbs to be used in larger mags.For example 6 D cell mag with 4 NIMH cells and 2 dummy.

Cells are AA to C/D adapters with an aluminum core.

Both C and D Bulbs are currently AVAILABLE
Both C and D Dummy cellsare currently AVAILABLE

Emitter choices are as follows.

XML2 U2 Cool White 6500K
XML2 T6 Neutral white 5000K
XML2 S6 90+ CRI Warm White 2900K

Price for bulbs is

1 x $79
2 x $69 each
3 + $59 each

Dummy C or D cells are $4 each with the purchase of any bulb.

World wide shipping is FREE!

PP is vesture_of_blood(@)hotmail.com

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! I’m not going to get one of these! I love it! I want it! I’m NOT going to get one! I want it! I’m NOT going to get one!

I would pay $30, I think. Perhaps it’s worth $80, but I can get an awful lot o’ light for $80 (nice SRK and cells)


These mag drop-ins could really use a coloured LED ring around the reflector in the spare real estate available, would make a fantatsic mag upgrade even more useful, like the latest trend with this sort of light, eg. http://www.sunwayman.com/html/products/201407/157.html etc.