Hello, for your consideration, a Nailbender Pure Copper P60 Drop In Module with a Nichia 219A HCRI 4500k LED!.
4 Mode, M,L,M,H. Max is around 220 Lumens.
Module in Very Good Condition.
Pretty Light use around the home.
a very floody mule!.
No longer needed as making space for new lights!.
shipped worldwide!, but UK preferred first.
A great light for home use.
Thanks Kindly.
Have a good day.
Sure it’s a copper p60, but that Nichia simply isn’t driven hard enough to make it worth it. 220 lumens is also pretty poor these days. Assume it’s a 219A and not a 219B?
For the record, you can buy a brand new well driven Nichia 219B from: www.intl-outdoor.com
For $16.71 and free shipping. That’s only £11.14 even with a crummy 1.5 exchange rate. Ok, it’s not copper, but it’s more than sufficient for the current it runs.
This means, best case a copper Nichia that under performs (does it have PWM too?) is only really worth £10-20 tops.