For sale or trade leatherman wave 17 in 1 multi-tool.I paid $69.99 plus tax for it about 3 months back and I have not used it like I thought I would and I'm sure someone here would give it more attention than I did.There are small superficial scratches on the handle from being in my toolbag and the sheath is lost but I do have the instruction booklet with it.I am more interested in a flashlight trade for this but if someone wants it outright I will take $40.00 shipped CONUS only.Things I am looking for are crelant 7g5 or anything interesting you want to trade.PM me with questions and first I'll take it with paypal,gets it.Thanks.Edit to drop price to 40.00 or trade.
I have this multitool and it's a great one. I would recommend it to anyone in need of a good reliable multitool.
If this was in Aus I would grab it.
bump for final price drop.
Great price so good luck with the sale!
That is a good price. I have been using the same Wave for almost a decade at work. It’s the older style one without the lock for accessories. Good luck with the sale.
Thanks guys,I figured someone here would like it but if no one bites I'll try my luck on ebay.
Sure you won’t ship to Aus? I am very interested
Sending pm.
Send me you paypal address and I will take it.
We must have been typing at the same time
This is really a great tool. I EDC it everyday.
I’ll take it! Can’t pay till this afternoon (unsecure connection now) and shipping will be to the USA. Let me know if it’s available. Thanks.
Spoken for pending shipping arrangements,thanks.
Watch the 'For Sale' forum here; I have a similar one I'll be posting shortly...
The Wave arrived today in great condition. Thanks very much Darcangel.