So I finally got my DMM working and reading current (the fuse moved out of place) so I checked the current readings of both my lacrosse bc9009 and the FT2000.
The readings on the BC9009 were close enough with the display and the readings on the DMM, only a few mA difference, but it was a whole different story with the FT2000.
I made two videos to share so you can see and give your opinion but I fear that this is not good news.
Video of the test charging test
PS - I am now doing a full discharge at 500mAh with the DMM connected in series to see how it behaves and after will do a charge.
So far after about half hour the DMM is reading 320ma.
The funny thing is that the batteries seems to be charged and discharged correctly despite this huge difference in readings of the current between the display and the DMM and even more weird for me is that if I calculate the capacity using time and the programmed current I get close values to the readings I get from the Lacrosse BC9009 or the stated battery capacity
Its been over three hours now and the current has actually dropped to 280mA and it finally ended the discharge and reads Zero.
Took the battery out and the voltage reads 1.20V what it should be.
I let the battery sit for a few minutes and I am now doing a charge at 500Ma.
The DMM read that it started at over 700mA and after a few seconds has stabilized at 670mA-680mA with occasional spikes over 700mA and drops to around 580mA.
The charge is now over and I can confirm that that the charger does not do a trickle charge or its too small for my DMM to register.
What I have witness is that in discharge mode the current is substantially lower than the selected one (hundreds mA’s lower) and the same happens in the charge mode (here the current is also hundreds higher and it fluctuated between 630-630mA with spikes over 700mA and below 600mA.
Because I am not familiar with chargers I would like for someone to tell me if this is good behaviour or not?
I dont understand whats going on.