Is there any problem if electronic gadgets are always put on charge. I have heard people saying that this will damage the battery. Is that true?
No “damage” as long as it’s a proper CC/CV li-ion charger. All cell phones, tablets, laptops etc have a proper charger built in. Keeping a li-ion battery fully charged 24/7 will cause quicker aging of the battery though. This should not be called “damage” imo. With normal use, aging is unavoidable.
If you do not charge them periodically, those built in power packs are not going to survive for long either. E.g portable speakers, tablet, phone, iPod, etc.
I have seen people putting their laptop batteries with 75%charge in the refrigerator for longer lifetime, I have never done that and I couldn’t see any measurable disadvantages. The most harm is in my opinion a fully discharge especially when the battery protection is missing or kicking in to late…
Another problem could be that often the microusb sockets are weak and if something is always hooked up and used this socket will die sooner.