The extended Shooter 2X XHP-35 over my daughters psychedelic bedspread, I shoulda made her take that with her when she left…
Ok, my internet and loading pics, once again an issue. Gotta pull that boy off the games…
I don’t even have a tool bar showing to allow adding pictures, I don’t really understand that as Image Shack opened and uploaded pictures just fine. BLF is sensing my poor internet and putting me on a base version or something.
The Olight M3XSUT Javelot with an HI emitter… 97 yds to the red oil drum Canon G1X all shots share the same settings… .5 sec exposure, f/5.6, ISO1600, Manual focus, Manual mode group on a tripod with 2 second timer.
The Maxtoch Shooter 2X XHP-35, same scene
Olight M3XSUT Javelot at the barn, 610 yds
Maxtoch Shooter 2X XHP-35, same scene
For the record, my initial shots when I got this light are in post 232.
Edit: Got the toolbar back.
Edit II: I should also mention that this XHP-35 is a 5000K Neutral White version of the H1 variety. Wasn’t going for max output but rather a nice tint. I got 4 of these quite a while back, like before Aug of last year. This one and one on a 20mm Noctigon were hanging around in my bin waiting for me to figure out where to use em. lol