Generic US Shipped HD 2010?

Generic Knockoff of an HD 2010?

Shipped US, $13.

Contemplating getting one. Seems like a decent deal.- I asked the seller about lens/reflector material and for pics of the pill, but I doubt I’ll get a response or at least not the one I’m hoping for.-
Seller replied with glass and aluminum, but linked same pics in the auction (1 through-shot of assembled head, and 1 assembled head-standing next to tube/tail). Hmm.

Any ideas?

I got this similar looking one branded UltraOK , hollow pill, next mode memory, but a nice aluminum reflector and glass lens. YMMV.

It's smaller diameter than HD2010, though. ~50mm

This is one of the threads about that light.
I like it because it appeals to the prepper in me due to being abe to use multiple cell types. Decent all around light, although not as throwy or solid as HD2010 ( have both)

Thanks for the link! For $13 I think I could have some fun modding this thing.

Edit: Looking over the Aleto vs this one… hmmm. They look identical, but this guy didn’t add the more broken down pics. This worries me a bit. I think I’ll pass for now, maybe pick up that ridiculous 26650 sk68 upscale I found when reading through that thread. :stuck_out_tongue: