If you live in Germany, you can have a look our new product: Elekin Taschenlampe 2000 Lumen LED Cree XM-L T6.
If you have the interest please PM us or leave a message, we will contact you soon!
If you live in Germany, you can have a look our new product: Elekin Taschenlampe 2000 Lumen LED Cree XM-L T6.
If you have the interest please PM us or leave a message, we will contact you soon!
Wow what a nice light, surely it’s really an original design but I’m afraid it’s a bit underpowered… I’m sure that XM-L can do even more, maybe 5000 or even 10000 lumen, why not?
Do you live in Germany?
Hello, not from Germany
But does this come with instructions for kick-@ss karate moves?
Sorry but this model of flashlight I’d known as G700 /X800 light
It is renowned for being sold at way too high prices. Your €20 is not even the highest but still all if us would buy the light at our honest BLF-friend Simon from Convoy who not only asks $5 for it, he is also advertising it as a LaticeBright T6 LED
So I fear that if you find somebody to review it you’ll end up with a review full of humor yet not very helpful in terms of sales.
Hm, first I thought this is a rebranded Ultrafire 878
But can’t be
The Elekin has 2000 lm and the UF only 900
But looks sooooo similar
Nah, the Shadowhawk X800 is just an overpriced knock-off, and has only 800 lumens to boot
Always look at the lumens, kids, to tell a spade from a blody shovel
This sounds like a good opportunity to do an honest review on the light for these guys. Must be a few German members here.
Rufen Sie an! Kaufen!
I am from Germany
and i like to make reviews of good flashlights
But this flashlight and the numbers you tell are horrible.
Oldschool LED.
When somebody ask me for a flashlight,
I really can not tell to buy this.
When in Germany and wherever else, ask,if the battery or charger is good,
I would tell him,please put a tape at plus and minus and receycel it.
This light is just for muggles and newbies without any experience-Maybe threre is a WOW
not for flashaholics.
Sorry, just my opinion about products like this.
I am from Germany but I wouldn´t waste my time on crap like this… It takes some guts to ask for a review of this light in BLF or any other forum with flashlight enthusiasts… so let the beating begin… maybe the posting was just to put out their amaz*n referer link to the world, a serious manufacturer would not dare to expect anything else like a bad review if asking for honest opinions.
I call it lightstrike for poor people
I really like the original design!
You should sue these guys, the made a cheap replica!
It’s called “Warm Corner”. Ok… unusual name…
Kaufen, kaufen, kaufen!!! Rufen Sie jetzt an!!!
I would say there are different customers for different products.
While the majority of members here at BLF will probably never buy this flashlight, someone else probably will buy it.
The average customer in, say, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland or Sweden won’t know a lot about flashlights and all they can do is log into Amazon (if Amazon is even available in their market) and make a purchase based on reviews, seller rating and price. They can’t go to a retail store because they either won’t have the time, have Amazon gift cards or they don’t know where else to go.
A 18650 cell and a charger are still rare items in a retail environment.
As a distributor or manufacturer, where else to ask than in a flashlight forum where enthusiasts can give honest, professional reviews? They have to start somewhere…
Are there better products for less money? Yes, of course- but the average customer will never figure out how to buy from a seller on Aliexpress (a shop they have never heard of in their entire life) and even a foreign ebay seller is someone they don’t want to deal with (because of shipping, customs, time, …). The average person in many European markets won’t even have a credit card and most debit cards don’t have a 16-digit payment card number. So for them it is either ebay/paypal or Amazon.
edit: I have edited this post at least ten times. sorry.
I agree with you, but you won’t get any good review from BLF for that light if they were to be honest and professional, so, two routes to get good reviews for your product, first: you make a really good product, second: you harvest for fake reviews on less specialized forum or on amazon itself.
Next to that, €20 is way too much for that light. Get a decent light instead.
In the beginning of my hobby I bought lights like this on T-Mart. I did not know any better. One looked very similar to this. I think they claimed 1200L and it was more like 400/500L!!!
The looks of it is a give away! I bet 700 lumens max! :person_facepalming:
I think the more honest reviews of these types of lights the better.
1. Heck, maybe they made a decent version?
2. If it is junk, potential buyers could find your review and maybe you’ll save some people from spending their money on said junk.
Agreed, but do you think they will even publish or tolerate a negative review (GB and BG for example are simply not publishing ANY negative reviews, they will just disappear forever…) ? Heck, if you slam their product in a honest review you´ll be the one who probably gets in trouble (sued maybe) later on … no thanks.
Agreed, but do you think they will even publish or tolerate a negative review (GB and BG for example are simply not publishing ANY negative reviews, they will just disappear forever…) ? Heck, if you slam their product in a honest review you´ll be the one who probably gets in trouble (sued maybe) later on … no thanks.
Someday all these terabytes of negative reviews will be published by Wikileaks.