Getting closer to my first "give-away".

So its only a matter of time i will reach my 1000 posts.
I am trying to decide on what light to give away for the first Give-Away at 1000 posts.

i have several lights in mind, most of them modded builds.

- One is a Modded 2-AA Side-Switch clickie Sipik SK68 partly polished in a lathe with a unique design and a Neutral White XM-L or XP-G emitter, and paracord lanyard.

- another is one of those new Defiant “Zoomies” ( the ones with the LED Lenser type lens) modded with some Lathe machining, tube adapter for uuse with a 18650 & the original 3-AAA adapter, and possibly a dedomed XP-G2 emitter & custon paracord lanyard.

- Third a modded Reactor 3-AAA modded with a high-CRI, neutral-white Luxeon Rebel emitter, possibly adapted for use with a 18650, nylon belt case, paracord lanyard, single mode, and custom Lathe work.

Your thoughts ? :slight_smile:

All sound interesting, but i am curious how the zoomie works compared the the ubiquitous sk68

i really like it ( i am using a modded one of them now in the truck clipped to my sun visor and the furst light i grab to use when needed on the road.)
in full throw-mode it still has a good usable flood with it and looks like a normal parabolic reflector light with a good focused hotspot, and in full flood mode its wider than anything else i have or ever seen. ( including my SK68s, SK98, and SK128. ) Also the run time is great on a 18650 with the 5400K XP-G2 & stock 3-mode driver.

very impressive, hopefully my local home depot has some left

When i stopped by the one i bought the 2 pack at a fiew weeks ago, they were sold out.