I finally figured out how to get my driver board out without prying, heating or risking breaking components by poking things thru the switch hole.
The pushing out thru the switch hole was the most read method but I would have broken at least half the parts with my karma. I used a plastic rod, heat gun and pushed to no avail and was very tempted to just pry the dang thing out with a small flat blade. I hate mangling things in my ignorance to pull glued things apart.
So in the end I used glue to fight glue. I had an old Pops-a-Dent kit on the shelf. 3 minutes later the board was out with no damage to host or board. This board was in tight!
Flowmotion, I feel like the dummy. No one else seemed to have a problem with the board, no?
Google it. Three years ago I paid $15 bucks for it and sort of worthless for the intended purpose for automotive repair. You basically use it to pull the driver board straight out using a hot melt glue and the included pulley. Once the board is out you peel the glue off. Much easier to do than throwing the light against the wall