Glass flashlight lens questions.

Rounding up some items for the scratch built light contest.
Would a UV filter for a camera lens be suitable for a flashlight lens?
Were can custom cut flashlight lenses be bought besides, they seem high priced for what I need. Square cut glass would be better.

If you can get glass, you might be able to get an optician to grind the lens for you. I don't think there are many opticians left that grind their own lenses. I went to a couple local optometrists and they both said it takes a couple weeks to fill an order, which makes me think they get their lenses done in China.

It's not too hard to cut your own lenses, but the hard part is finding AR glass in the right thickness in small orders.

I used an AR UV camera lens in my monster light build and am more than happy with it. It still has that nice blue tint to it after a fair amount of use. Maybe I got lucky though?

The optician part sounds expensive. Might just use a camera filter, it’s probably better glass than that used for flashlights anyway. A square cut piece of glass would be ideal and would need to be about 5 x 5 inches in size. From the prices on that size would probably run about $50 or $60 bucks. Might just give up the whole ideal because it looks like it will cost $125 to $200 in parts.

I got my lenses made of woods glass for my uv light cut at a local glass shop that specialized in stained glass they just charged me $5.