Gonna try again

Ok, I’m gonna try a de-dome again.The first time I pryed off the dome.The dome came off clean and the wires looked ok but no more light.So this time I am using the gas method.I pryed the T6 out of my HD2010 and placed it in a small container of gas.I have some questions though.How long should/can the led sit in gas, and what should I do to the led before reinstalling onto the pill?Also, the led was “glued” to the pill.All I have is AA compound to reattach it.Will the pressure from the reflector be enough to keep the led in contact with the pill or should I get some thermal adheasive?I am only driving this light at 2.8 amps until I have better luck stacking 7135’s.Hope everyone is having a great new years!-Rick

Just leave it in the gas over night. Afterwards I rinse mine by placing it in a small container of alcohol and swishing it around. Place on a napkin to dry.

AA is perfect. The reflector will keep it pushed down tight.

Cool, thanks Ouchyfoot!Now I just have to leave the thing alone until tom. morning.How much does this affect the tint?This led has a very cool tint that I didn’t care for.I figured if I killed it there would be no great loss.I do have a XML2 T63C waiting just in case.I hope it works though, I would like to see what this de-domeing thing is all about for myself!

The tint will become much warmer. It’s best to de dome the coolest tint you can find.
Ps. If you look in the morning and the dome is still on, just swirl it around, and it will float off.

It doesn’t matter if you leave parts of the dome on the LED substrate (silver bit). Just as long as it’s off the phosphor (yellow bit), you’re fine. If you do too much cleaning, you may inadvertently cut off one of those small wires.

Pic below is an XP-G2 de-domed, but you can see how you can easily accidentally kill your LED.

Read that the phosphor would deteriorate without the dome. What do you guys use to protect the phosphor?

I don’t use anything. I keep em’ bare. Still going strong at something like 2 months worth of using/tweaking/disassemblies/etc.

Some suggested LED Sealer, IIRC.

The mentioning of HD2010… A bit off topic: Where would I go to acquire a small, thin sheet of copper (Going to try what O-L suggested with the tiny strips to the +/- on the star)?

sealing the phosphor is not necessary unless you want your grandchildren to inherit the lights or something.

I just took a 1 year plus dedomed led out of a host an reflowed it to a copper sink last night. still going strong after maybe 50 + hours on hugh in the last host. And high is something like 5,5 amps in case you are wondering :-)