This is cool; it lets you see satellite images showing how any place on Earth has changed over the last 32 years.
This is awesome. Good find and thanks for sharing.
We moved to the place we still live in 1985. Awesome to see the desert develop with more and more homes around us since then while at the same time the amount of green grass shrinks… especially the local golf course that today is a shadow of its former self.
Wow, my town sure has put on weight in the last 32 years.
We built our house in 2007 and it has grown quite a lot around our area since then to.
Nice find! Check out the Aral Sea!
Darn, I get a “your browser is not supported” message on both my PC (firefox or chrome), and Samsung TabS (firefox and chrome)
cool thanks MtnDon
Very Neat!!! Many Thanks for sharing.
Edit… GULP! Go watch Las Vegas and adjust the screen so you can see Boulder Dam & Lake…. OOOPS! You sure have to wonder what Vegas folks are going to drink. Sad & Scary!
Thanks for the heads up, so awesome!
Great find! Thanks!
Strange, I just watched it on my PC running Firefox 50.02 Browser on W10OS.
Many Thanks.
Awesome find.
Curious to see how Brisbane Australia has expanded over the last 30 years.
I did have trouble running the page on Win10 Edge browser, but it runs fine on Chrome. Never tried any other browsers thoughn.
Thanks for posting the cool site. Stephen Hawking said we are going to need to be able to move to another planet within 1000 years in order for the human race to survive. He’s probably right.