Google/LG Nexus 4

Has anyone heard of this new phone coming out next Tuesday?

I have already sold my phone and am using a backup while I wait. Here’s the landing page for Nexus devices.

I find the phone too cheap to not buy especially considering my Nexus obsession. It’s only $300 for the 8gb and $350 for 16gb. Its an extra $50 here in Australia for both versions but that is still amazingly cheap considering it is a flagship phone.

Negatives of this phone are: No 4G LTE, no expandable storage and no removable battery. None of these bother me so I am buying this as soon as it is released.

No LTE, no CDMA and biggest size being 16gb keep me from buying it. Also the fact I am still in a contract with Verizon for another year, but had this been on Verizon would have bought it at full price. Seriously, once I’ve used LTE there’s no going back. Websites don’t necessarily load faster, but when you want to stream video or audio or download files like ROMs without WiFi it makes a huge difference. Also, Verizon has far and away the best network in the US but by being CDMA and not GSM I can’t use the Nexus 4.

I was only reading about it half an hour ago Looks interesting. I only know what I read online.

I too am getting it as soon as it comes out. Will be rooting it as soon as I can. I love the nexus dev community.

No MicroSD slot. They are crazy! That is the cause I dont like it!!

Me too, love my Galaxy Nexus, intend to keep it for awhile since VZW won’t be getting any Nexus phones anytime soon.

My last phone was a actually a Galaxy Nexus, it was the GSM version though. In Australia mobile data is very limited and expensive and 4G only adds onto that price.

I am happy with the HSPA+ 42.

I read of a lot of people moving to AT&T from Verizon because they want this phone.

As soon as there is rooting methods, ROMs and kernels (<3 days after release) I will also be rooting and flashing ROMs.

16gb no thanks, I have to limit myself with a 64GB Iphone 4S, I have at least 36GB of music on my phone + the TV shows I watch on the train on the way to work plus a fair few movies.

Google has free cloud storage and streaming of up to 20,000 songs for free. Of course this would only be a good alternative if you have the data for it.

You also need decent coverage, although that should not be a problem in the metro areas

The point of low storage is to push their cloud initiative. In that sense it’s pretty future-facing, but not currently where even “unlimited” data means 2-5GB.

My current contract for my Nexus S ends in January. I’ll definitely be sticking with a nexus phone. Always getting the latest updates has kept my two year old phone feeling fresh. I’m ok with not having LTE. I guess I’m lucky because I have unlimited and uncapped data through t-mobile. Ive been using around 3gigs per month. I dont think there are any unlimited LTE plans. My data is fast enough to watch Netflix if I’m close to a tower and fast enough to stream my google cloud music everywhere else.
The pixel density is 320ppi vs iphone5 at 326, so pretty much a retina display. And the quad core 1.5ghz processor has me excited too. It should compliment my Nexus 7 well.

I couldn’t care less about LTE as 99% of the world doesn’t use it and those that do have a dozen or so different frequencies meaning they would have to make a dozen different variants of the phone and increase costs. There is a reason why compensator phones cost $700 or so.

It has HSDPA+ with speeds up to 42.2Mb/s, in theory thats fast enough to download a 700MB movie in 125 seconds.

The storage never bothered me, my last phone had a 32GB + 16GB MicroSD and I never once had more than 5-6GB on it. My current phone has a 16GB MicroSD card and about half that space is free. And my Nexus 7 with about 5 of the biggest HD games, 3 720p HD movies and 100s of pictures and a few TV shows isn’t even half full. When I have asked some why do they need so much storage they say because they have 30,000 mp3s (for example) that they want to put on it. That’s just plain stupid to me, they can do whatever they like but don’t complain about the device because you have some OCD.

Rooting it is pretty pointless, it already comes with the latest version of Android and will get updates as soon as they are released. I don’t see the point of rooting it unless you want to put a outdated operating system on it, then even if you do have a modified version of the most current OS then you are still going to have t do manual updates. Not to mention if you brick your phone its not covered, and you will also have problems of tons of apps saying they aren’t supported.

I will buy this phone soon but I wont pre-order it (like I did the Nexus 7), the specs it offers are only seen on phones double its price not to mention it looks beautiful.

My only concern is how fragile it appears.

Ezarc, I have had 6 phones which I have all rooted and flashed more than 90 roms all together. hard bricking a phone is not very easy to do, and flashing new roms is fun, and makes some things easier or faster. while HSDPA+ has ‘theoretical speeds’ of up to 42.2 mbps, that’s not what it’s like in reality. In melbourne, try 5 to 6 mbps. 4G however will give you about 46mbps in the melbourne CBD.
Also, america has huge 4G LTE coverage, so that 99% statement isn’t really true.

once again, rooting is NEVER pointless, and it depends on the kind of person you are if you want to do it or not. it is true that now that android is getting faster rooting is becoming less necessary in order to increase speeds, but it isn’t pointless for me. I’m the kind of person who wants to get the best out of what they have. I’m use a laptop, which has had the cpu and gpu overclocked. i intend to do that to my nexus 4 as well. I dedomed my lights to get more throw. I switched drivers to make it brighter.

I like having media OCD.

Only modded devices are good devices....

typed from my rooted tablet with 32GB microSDHC card and HDMI-out port and edited with my rooted smartphone with user exchangeable battery also with 32GB card ;-)

I love customizing my devices, I have a Nexus 7 and before I sold it a Galaxy Nexus. They both had custom ROMs and kernels.

Nexus devices are especially easy to root and have many options for ROMs and kernels, developers love Nexus devices too.

I’ll buy the next nexus
I like the screen and the price of this one, but it isn’t that much better than my current galaxy nexus
but why the hell did they give it a 4-core cortex a9 and not the new shiny cortex a15? and (gorilla) glass back? max 16GB? simply said, why lg? :slight_smile:

they did give it the quad core A15 processor, snapdragon S4 pro.

I believe it has some instructions from a15 and is a beast but it’s not the same