Not worth it, frankly all one needs for basic flashaholism is a Convoy S2, M1 and C8. If you want multi emitters then check out the many options out there.
order a cheap light for 5-10€, the order a better LED on DTP board 7€, new driver 5€, AR lens 3€, you want a warmer LED again 5€ and so on
you can easily spend 30€ and a lot of time building your own modified torch
Or you order several 50-100€ lights for different tasks
Welcome to the funny farm! I just got back from my wife’s work Christmas party, she had the boss’s husband / business manager in the secret Santa gift thing. She had no idea what to give him and asked me for ideas.
“Well I have an Eagle Eye X6R here to give to another friend, how about that?”
“But why would he want a flashlight? And what’s your deal with flashlights anyway?”
“Look, he’s a dude, he will like it.”
At least half the table wanted to play with it after he unwrapped it and told my wife it was perfect. Leading to a discussion of different lights and knives in the pockets of various people around the table. I think more people actually are interested in lights, perhaps not to the level of those of us who belong to a flashlight forum, but interested none the less.
No, you don’t want evidence she might find on your computer. And be sure to hide them around the house. Maybe hide the expensive ones under the insulation in the attic.
Looking through this forum is actually a little overwhelming at first. There are so many manufacturers, and models of flashlights, and color temps of lights, and battery sizes and charges and protected and unprotected and on and on. But it’s all good stuff. From lots of good people who are willing to share their passion.
I’ve already ordered a light as a Christmas gift. Well a second light. Since I’m keeping the first one I ordered for that person.
20 years and not much of a collection. Mostly Maglites of various sizes. Many of which ended up being discarded when they were forgotten about or left on and the batteries self destructed and became impossible to remove.
Here are a few suggested answers you can give SWMBO when she sees a package arrive:
It was a prize I won.
It was a freebee/give-away
It was a replacement for one lost in the mail.
It is a gift for (name goes here)
I needed a multi-cell flashlight to store the batteries.
I needed the batteries as backups
You can mod a Maglight. It makes for an excellent disguise. SRK, SK68, X6, X5, A6, A8, S2 with both tubes, Hoop sinks, triples, shorties, MTG, XHP, Nichia 219C, and drivers, oh all the drivers!