Green LED on 20mm star?

Got two cheap zoomies that I need to put green LEDs into.These are the same style host:

I've used this host with a XM-L2 in both domed and dedomed form. It works great for what we need (dedomed is better), except for that small issue of it being white instead of green.

Started out looking for a green XM-L, but that animal doesn't seem to exist outside of the multi-color XM-L. So I'm looking for a suitable substitute in green that I can purchase pre-mounted on an 20 mm star. Any suggestions as to a particular LED and/or source for it?

I'm also going to be needing drivers, any suggestions? We will be using protected 18650 batteries (1 per light) and would prefer to have 2 modes at most, single mode is fine as well. The only lights I've built so far have been XM-L so that's what I am familiar with, and I know different LEDs require different amperage.

As for intended use:

These will be mounted on a rifle and used for hunting varmint and pest animals at night. I am aware of the recoil issues associated with a slide type focus, and we have found acceptable methods to handle this. For the intended use the adjustable focus is a must. Intended targets will be up to 150 yards distant, and could be in nice open area or dense underbrush. We tried using fixed focus lights and they created too much light noise (reflected light) and didn't penetrate the dense stuff well, on the other hand a light that penetrates that stuff well doesn't do good at closer ranges because the focus is too tight. The adjustable focus on these lights worked great for our needs without having to carry or mount multiple lights.

I have green XP-E2’s in stock and can sell you a mounted one.

If you wanted to go all out you could get an LEDENGIN LZ1 in green from digikey for about $16-17 shipped.

Why green instead of deep red? I thought deep red was least noticed by most mammals.
An XP-E sounds good, because the small size will give good throw and a small spot.

Here is link for a XRE Green 20mm

Here is one for a XPE XPE Green

Let us know how it works out for you.

I have used both colors and green appears brighter to the naked eye but in a scope the red has better detail. That’s just me and most of the time I am different than most.

Different animals… I know hog’s can’t see green light at all, I just got my name passed around a local hunting club and had several of the guy’s order pairs of lights, one red only and the other green only, they could choose which one to carry based off what they were hunting that night.

A few nights ago I went out to take some beamshots and saw them (I was 60yards above on a train trellis while they were walking in the woods below). I could see their red lights about 300meters away (threw the dense but now leafless forest) and knew they were my lights lol.

I personally also like this light

Small Sun Review

Going to be trying one in this cheap host also

I would use XP-E2’s in the highest bin I could find. I was not able to find them available on DTP, so I ordered bare emitters from Mouser, and then got xpe/xpg noctigons and reflowed.

Driver should be around 1.4A, in single or maybe 2 mode.

If you’re not married to that host, look at the UF-T20. It has a larger lens, and focuses with a threaded head.

Very nice works but ugly outside shape.

I run my XP-E2 colors at 2.1A (thats 6 7136’s). 5*7135 is a very comfy spot for them if you dont want to skirt the edge as much as I do (I make sure all my lights at that level have excellent thermal path’s and good heatsink’s in general, they’re reliable but if you arnt experienced in overdriving LED’s very much I’d not recommend going over 1.75A).

BTW here’s the pic from the night I mentioned above, not nearly as cool as I had hoped. Also, I’m not scared of the height at all but I absolutely HATE that metal grating found in city blocks near tall buildings, you know the stuff. I hate walking on it cause I always envision falling so imagine how bad it was when I got to this train bridge and find out thats all that I had to walk on.

That’s my Courui running my BU_CK driver project driving an XM-L2 at 7.7A for >500kcd.

and here’s the location, I’m gonna get a pic of the train bridge from the ground in the light soon

From what I understand green is better for hogs, which is the main thing we are after. Red is supposedly better for predators like coyotes. Dad specifically requested green, so green is what I'm making. That said, if these work well, I imagine that I'll be putting together red ones next.

Sounds like this might do the job for the LED:

Maybe this driver with an extra 7135 or two added:

I'm also going to be buying a few batteries from there, so it'd be great to get it all at once.

I'm not married to her, but she's already in the bed waiting so why go looking for something else.

Will definitely be adding that to my list of hosts to try. I wanted to go with a twist type focus. Bought a few different twist types to try, but really didn't like the way that they were built for what I am doing. Once I get done with this I'll pick up one of those to check out. Might use that as a base for red one, and if it works well I'll convert the rest to it.

We've got two of the hosts I posted above running XM-L2 at 2.8A IIRC (stock NANJG 105c with firmware mod) and we are extremely happy with the way that they perform. I know that the color LEDs won't be as good, but hopefully they'll be good enough.