Green xpe in Jacob A60?

Has anyone tried a green xpe in a Jacob A60. How does it throw? How hard can you drive it? De-dome? Plan to make a light for hunting coyote. It will be my first experience with a green led.

I have not put a green xpe/xpe2 in a Jacob A60 but I have put them in c8’s, T13, T20, T620’s.

The xpe is now obsolete, the xpe2 is a better choice. If you put the xpe2 on a sinkpad or noctigon and screw it down to the pill you will get good results if driven around 1.4-1.5 A. The problem with the green xpe/xpe2 is that it can be driven upwards of 2.2A however the Vf goes way up and a single cell cannot provide enough voltage. This is why I like putting them in T13’s and doing resistor mods to get 2.2A. It also requires having the correct drills and taps and screws to attach the star. dedome is not necessary. There is also pro’s and cons to using green for hunting at night. The green light will pick up crap in the air and washout your scope eg. rain, dust,snow,fog, humidity. The plus is that you can see much farther and more clear with green vs red in perfect conditions. I don’t know where you hunt but conditions are rarely perfect where I hunt.

If you keep it around 1.4-1.5A in the A60 you should be fine. I would expect to see around 30Kcd.

The last T13 i built went out the door at over 77Kcd green at 2.24A and it showed no measureable drop in output after 10 minutes of runtime.

How is the throw in the C8? I have a c8 host I might put it in instead. What about a zoomie host?

C8’s throw good and have a beam pattern that works real well for hunting. As far as zoomies go the T20 is the best bet. Compact lightweight and beats the c8 and A60 for throw when built right.

Kevin is right about the t20. I just modded one with a green xpe2 @1.4a on sinkpad, and am very impressed. I ordered 2 more lights to make a red and a white!