Greetings from the midwest!

Hello all!

I am a long time lurker on here and other light forums I will not mention. To sum it up I love flashlights and batteries and other survival equipment that fits my daily agenda. Some may consider it an addiction…. I consider it being prepared!


Welcome to BLF :partying_face:

You’ll find great community and nice folks here always ready to help and advise.


Welcome to the forum. Prepare your wallet. :wink:

Hello you! In my case, I’m definitely not prepared; it’s an addiction!

Welcome! I’m originally from the Midwest. Glad you decided to join!

Welcome… I am about as midwest as it gets!!! Hope to see more of you here!

Welcome! Quickly, lock up your wallet… money has a funny way of disappearing after joining BLF :wink:

“Midwest” can be pretty big. Wheres about? I’m not too far from Peoria. What region of IL are you from, Matt?

Hi and welcome N3ckB3@rd.

I am not to far from Champaign!

<insert pic of Mila Jovovich which I never got>

Ha! That’s a good one…

There’s NO preparing your wallet. It will scream for mercy. And you will not listen.

It's good to have you here, N3ckB3@rd!

> Insert picture of JoJo Milavitch ??? JoJo ?

You're an addict .... keep telling yourself you're not .


Now thats a welcome! Good to have you here!