450k doesn’t sound right. I would have figured around 50k
I apologize, I meant to reply on this sooner but got wrapped up in the J Team drama and forgot.
It’s extremely simple and cheap. Just Google rust removal electrolysis. I have pictures but it’s midnight my time so past my bedtime. Basically fill a basin, tub or bucket with water and some washing soda. Attach an anode and cathode to the container.
Attach a DC power source. Hang parts in solution and watch the rust boil away with no harm to the parent metal.
Make double sure your polarity is correct or watch your parts boil away :laughing:
Oh what the heck, who needs sleep?
This is a long tank I whipped up for doing barreled actions.
The power supply was from something that died at work… don’t recall what? Note the polarity! It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! Always attach negative to the parts that you are de-rusting.
I built a small parts tank out of a Kitty Litter bucket.
Also if you can’t find Washing Soda, just bake some Baking Soda at 325f but I don’t remember for how long. I’ve used Washing Soda and baked Baking Soda. They both work well. Well, my stove timer says one hour so that must be it.
Wow thanks twice!
Once for losing sleep (good to see the letting go of the bunnies has given you some spare time :D)
And twice for this neat explaining! I did not know this trick that is awesome and I’ll keep it in mind next time I need to save something from rust!