hi folks. so i think i lost my h03 last weekend. I need to replace it. I loved everything about it, but the one thing i hated was that the button protrusion. when taking it backpacking id have to make sure i flipped the battery to ensure that it didnt turn on. if there arent any good replacements, i can stick with an h03, but if there are, id love to hear about them… here are my particular requirements:
most important:
super floody- i use it in conjunction with a super tight beamed convoy c8
able to not have a top strap. aka basic and lightweight - i use it when fourwheeling, and pull it down around my neck when not in use so i dont have to dig it back out of storage every time we stop.
under $50
less important:
not a million modes - 3 or 4 brightness levels ideal, no pointless strobes.
recessed button
i also have a nitecore hc50 that i use for hunting and doing stuff around the house.
if i do go with the h03, can someone tell me who to PM here for the special pricing? same with any other recommendation, really
many thanks! you guys are my go to for light questions, and you haven’t steered me wrong yet!!!