Nice light ! I understood that you want to mode it and the steps recommended by "ImA4Wheelr" are very pertinent and , most of all , electronic correct . The saturation of the magnetic core of the coil will generate also a lot of heat . The solution is to solder a bigger one (hard to do ) or to DIY one from a toroidal core , in the old fashioned way , by winding and measure the inductance.., let's hope that will not be the case !
Second thing that I want to suggest is to change the electrolitic capacitor (big black cilinder) with a SMD tipe with the voltage bigger than the maximum Vin from the batteries (at least X 1.5 ) . From my experience this capacitor is the bottle neck of ALL drivers that has something like this , the temperature is increasing their capacitive reactance and in time the luminous flux will decrease dramatic , as the temperature is the capacitors worst enemy. The SMD ones are less sensitive, better quality and stability in time .
The value is not critical , I used in my modding and repairs values from 22 to 100 micro farads with no problems.
I have the mkII of the MT03 and the driver seems to be identical to this one.
Very tiny inductors…
Let me link to my mod topic, because i’m modding the driver (when parts arrive), and the first thing is to replace the inductors with “60-52” toroids (light green with blue side 15mm outer diameter) with 1mm diameter wire.
Plan is to also upgrade the FETs and diodes and finish it off with a resistor mod (0.03 Ohm)
I hope all will still fit inside the head… :person_facepalming:
PS: It seems that fat driver retaining ring in mine is made of copper ?!
Not even my Channellock snap ring pliars fit and they open wider than any I have fo und. Lol have to do some grinding I guess. I should have brought my angle grinder home from work... love no cords.