Hallo from steve-o in VA

Hi All —
My name is Steve(-o) and I’m a photon-addict (coherent and non-coherent) mainly non-coherent after 5:00 after it’s “toddy-time” … :beer:
Glad to meet you-all :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum.

Hi steve - o and welcome to BLF :party:

Yessss stevo-o, welcome!

Thx labrat— I’m a labrat too :slight_smile:

Thanks nikanon and flashlightman— good to be here !!!

Hi steve-o. your hobby sounds interesting. Is it cheaper than flashlights?

Hi MRsDNF … — which hobby, booze or lasers? Both are equally expensive :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to BLF, from another virginian! :D

Hi Scaru, thanx for the welcome fellow Virginian!

Welcome to BLF!

Thanks Relic38… you look like a pilot… do you fly ?


My former employer has a Mitsubishi MU-2 and I went co-pilot from BOI to CNO. Great plane. Rec. pilot license is on my to-do list :wink:

Howdy Krono, you bear a striking resemblance to a charasmatic character from the “Andy” show from Mt. Airy … oops, I mean Mayberry … ;]

That sounds like a really cool ’plane … Got any pics?
Yeh, being a pilot is on my to-do list /bucket-list . …

Somewhere, I’d have to dig… It is a cool plane. seats 9 in comfy leather seats. Very nice, high performance for a relatively low price.
Here’s a Wikimedia pic of that model:

Welcome, Steve-o.

Very cool plane :]

Welcome to the forums……