I hope y'all have a very Happy 4th of July!
I hope y'all have a very Happy 4th of July!
Same to you. I prefer “Independence Day” rather than “4th of July”. We celebrate “Christmas” and not the “25th of December”, “Memorial Day” and not “Last Monday in May”, “Labor Day” and not “First Monday in September”, etc. It strikes me as odd that all of the other holidays are referred to by their name but this holiday is referred to by the day of the month it is celebrated. Not a criticism, merely commenting on something I consider a bit odd.
Happy Independence Day! I hope everyone has a safe weekend of grilling, swimming, and fireworks shenanigans!
Have a great holiday everyone!
This Face is more so the face of Liberty etched into my memory banks.
When I was a kid, hardly ever did anyone refer to The 4th of July as Independence Day. Well, maybe a few or on the news or in the history books at school. Simply the 4th of July or The 4th was pretty much it.
It’s hard to change what has been ingrained in memory.
Happy 4th of July to All !
Happy 4th of July weekend everybody. I’m out in Amagansett Long Island at a buddy’s house Jet Skiing, Boating, Barbecuing, Drinking, Fireworks, etc. The weather’s perfect, and we’re all having a great time.
Happy 4th!
Independence Day bump!
It ain’t over until the fat lady sings.
We have had a Great weekend in Upstate New York.
Had out party on the 2nd with a nice Fireworks display.
The 2nd was my 3rd brothers birthday but he is gone as are most who did 2 stints in Vietnam.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend
Behind closed doors, the Second Continental Congress voted for independence on July 2. But the signing ceremony for the Declaration of Independence didn’t happen until July 4. Because July 4 appears on the famous document, that date became the one we celebrate as Independence Day.
Happy fourth of July to our US members here. I cant believe I was watching the fire works over the river in NY this time last year.
happy 4 July to all BLF member!!!
Ha after seeing pics of fireworks in another topic I just had to chime in… Good Independence Day to all.
Greetings and a Salute to All :exclamation: :exclamation:
Oof, I ate too much, but it sure tasted great on the way in.
Happy Holiday to all!
I’ve been praying to the porcelain god since 5 this morning. Not fun at all Too much food and alcohol will do that. I had a great time while doing it though.