Has anyone else seen this trick? Roll your own two-way flashlight.

I saw this creation yesty on the book of faces. Guy promised he would show how it is done. I’m thinking, genius. Kind of want to try it myself now. I don’t know if he is here on BLF or not, but certainly deserves an honorary membership for this one. More than I have ever done certainly. Again, this is not me or even my idea, but I thought you all would enjoy this one.

Edit: Removed hyperlink. Sorry everyone, in my excitement to share, I honestly hadn’t realized the potential issues. I am working on getting independent vid and photos up now.

Video is too difficult to figure out how to do. He accomplished this “double-ender” flashlight by removing a metal nose strip from a face mask and using it as the negative contact between two 18350 batteries. Positive contacts face each head independently, negative contacts touch and share the ground wire (nose strip) running along the outside of one battery.

2 Thanks

For those of us without Facebook accounts: What is it? I’m not going to register to look.

3 Thanks

also have to join the sofirn FB group

WHAT IS IT ABOUT!?>>>?>???

FB and a special FB group. I hate things like that. Two strikes and it’s out. As bad as spam

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Doctors don’t want you to know this one secret tip that could save your life!!! Click here to find out :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Same as spam

Facebook is like Herpes. Once ya get it, well, you know. You can never really get rid of it. You can’t “had” Herpes. Same with Facebook. It’s always there, even if you aren’t.

3 Thanks

Please allow me to apologize to the community as a whole. I wanted to share this as quickly and easily as possible. Hyperlink, yeah that’s the ticket…:man_facepalming:t3: Because I’m lazy like that. In short I wasn’t thinking of the idiocy of doing things that way. I hadn’t thought about Facebook’s requirements to view certain posts. I’m sorry people. I dropped the ball and will totally own that one.

2 Thanks

Don’t kick yourself too hard. Thanks for sharing this. I never would have seen it otherwise and it’s definitely interesting.