I won a D80v2 in a giveaway, but I had not had a chance to use it as my protected cells were too long to fit. Anyway, I was in town and had popped into a vape shop and bought the only 18650 they had, a Samsung 25R.
Popped it into the D80v2 and it ran nicely, super bright! But after about 10 seconds it went very dim, and now stays very dim, it will cycle through the mode and goes from moon to dim, probably no more than 5 lumens now. I presume I have cooked something, any ideas? Maybe the Samsung 25R was not the right cell…… I’ve got a 30Q now to test once I have fixed it.
Too much current for the SST-40 to run optimal can indeed happen in the V2, but I’m surprised if it actually killed the led. But I have no idea what else could have happened here.
This light has a FET+5+1 driver? I wonder if it is a driver issue and one or more channels were somehow damaged? For example, I think the highest mode is just the FET at 100%. When you cycle through this mode is it dim or off?
Blue led means too much current, but it usually does not just go dim and that’s it, either it burns (bond wires frye) or it works ok.
If just one bond wire is gone led will still work ok on low current and it will give 200-300! (just guessing) lumens but if you try to push more it just wont go higher past that.
I never had situation where led died by shining dim.
Hmm, thats a regular 18650 cell, a 30Q will then also have damaged it.
Probably a bad driver. Get an A6 driver for high performance.
Get a convoy 8x7135 driver with biscotti for less but more steady output.
I can confirm that it is the LED, I rigged up a dicey 5v supply using what a I had lying about, xtar VC2S USB output is 1A, touched it briefly to LED and small glow. I then checked with my FT03 SST40 and instant very bright and tripped out the power supply (which is limited to 1A). So the LED is toast!
Out of interest I put the 25R and 30Q in the VC2S to check the internal resistance and lets just say it is not very accurate! reset the charger between photos and the results differ! The general trend seems to be the 30Q has lower internal resistance (although I don’t know if the charge state affects that?
@Big_Sam since the led is still sort-of working you can use it for your night trips to the can
I had one of my lights go out just like that, when it came I played with it for 5 minutes just to enjoy my new toy and put it away, couple of days later wanted to show it to my friend and it came on and with in 5 second went very bright and then down to moon light, we thought that perhaps the battery was done so I put a new one in and big nothing not even moon light, the emitter was done.
You can use any high drain cell you want when you have a current regulated driver, as long as it’s happy to provide 6 Amperes without too much sag.
Sony VTC6 or Samsung 30Q are great all rounders. They’re 3000mAh, so only about 12% less than 3400mAh batteries.
Normally it shouldn’t smoke because the springs are not bypassed. You better use a battery with maximum 10A like the Samsung 35E and similar 3500mAh 18650 from other brands.
There is also a 3V XHP50.2 version of the BLFD80V2 that will most likely never smoke the led even if you bypass the springs.