Helicopter demonstration

A while back, I drove by a Model Aviation Club sight, and they were flying electric powered helicopters. My gad what kind of battery packs are they using in those things? Holy crap they are so damn powerful, in fact I just read some kid got his head taken off by the blades of one. So how many amps are they getting to those things, and what kind of battery arrays are they using?

LiPo’s. I wonder WTH was the decapitated guy doing that needed to get that close to the spinning blades, IMHO he probably wanted to do a trick to post on YTube.


BLF member cullen colapietro is into this, but they are battery operated. The kid that lost his life had what I believe was turbine powered

I have a 3s battery pack with 2650mAH which has a rating up to 75C
75*2.6=195A burst current….
So they are made for high current applications.

I’m betting that they don’t stay in the air terribly long. I remember a long time ago someone was playing with a big RC helo in a small empty mall near by a TCG tournament and that thing was loud. mAh’s get sucked down fast by motors that powerful.

I have a small toy helo I was given (palmtop-sized, two counter-rotating rotors). It has a 150mAh battery and will stay in the air about 5 minutes.

If you want to try your hand at a full cyclic control “trainer” helicopter, the V911 is the one to get. It uses 2.4ghz, just like the pro models do, so you can use a hobby grade controller if you already have one. No silly infrared, no laggy controls, no gimmicks. This thing is incredibly agile. The only thing it won’t do is go upside down.

Bonus, it can be had for under $40 including a basic controller.

FastTech carries the standard version:

BangGood also carries the version with an upgraded controller. The helicopter itself is identical.

Spare parts, as well as replacement helicopters without controller can be found on both sites.

I didn’t bother to buy the version with a controller, because I used my Turnigy 9X 2.4ghz hobby transmitter.

What kind of voltage sag would these packs have at 1C or 10C (for a 1s1p cell)?

Thanks for the recommendation ChiggerPepi. I think I may have to get that. Been wanting to try RC Heli's for a long time.

Thank you. Because I really needed another thing to spend my money on. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Introduced to the RC fuel turbine chopper hobby by his father, 19 yr old teen Roman Pirozek did rather close up stunts with it that eventually sliced off part of his skull, throat and shoulder :

Turnigy Nanotech packs can put out over 1000 amps… Some are rated at 130C discharge rate. Radio Control Planes, Drones, Cars, FPV, Quadcopters and more - Hobbyking

Many RC planes/helis run several kilowatts of power. 10+ minute run times are typical.

I just got into RC.
It really is mostly about power.
And it is quite insane.

Didn't believe them about discharge rates at first but...

Just imagine a P60 that discharges a Pana B cell in 5 minutes as opposed to an hour. And then wrapping your hand around the pill. If there is a pill left at all.

I hate to burst anyone bubble concerning “high energy battery packs etc, but the helicopter in the first video is a turbine running on nitro. There is just so much more power available in engines and turbines that it makes electric motors look kind of childish in comparison. At the current state of technology it is even possible to put more horsepower in your hand using compressed air as the power source, that is why auto mechanics and bodyshop workers use air tools instead of corded power tools. The power to weight ratio is just so much higher. Batteries do offer the convenience of portability, but for convenience and power, gasoline powered is the way to go. Ever see landscapers use battery powered zero turns, chainsaws, leaf blowers etc? Batteries and electric motors have come along way over the years but they still have a VERY long way to go to compete in all areas. I don’t know if they ever will.
All this buzz about electric cars to me is just a big laugh. It is true something must be done and I am glad lots of people are working on it, but we have a very, very long way to go.
Now a completely different thought, I am re-posting this video from my post #2, it is longer version of the one posted above by orion.
In watching it, it would seem that the operator has a live video feed on the ground and can steer it where ever he wants. In effect it is a ”drone”. After watching this, I would think that no Marathon, Baseball or Football Stadium, or any public event can be safe from anyone with one of these will ill intent. How could homeland security protect us?
This is a video of the Qav500, a battery powered quad

http://www.horizonhobby.com/products/mcp-x-bl-bnf-BLH3980 blade mcpxbl is a cool little heli. Its full 3d and almost indestructible.

batteries are $3 each and you get about 5 minutes flight time. Its small so if it comes toward you you can

just swat it away. anybody wanting to get into helis this would be the one to get.

Trigger, you’re right it’s a great 3D starter, but most people just want to learn how to hover first, without worrying about destroying a relatively expensive helicopter, thus why I posted the V911.

Also, China copied stole ripped off borrowed sells them too, and it’s the V922, for half the price.

Banggood is generally cheaper and better than FT at RC stuff...


Id recommend the 911 as a beginner RC though. Often a bit cheaper from Ebay than from BG/FT.

I love my rc stuff. one of my polystyrene planes is pulling 1.1kw using two brushless inrunners.

to put that into perspective I service fridges that use less than 1kw motors, these things are the size of a 35mm film case.

I agree gas provides more power, but you wouldn’t want two .15 gas engines buzzing about for long.

Hey! Enough already! That's all I need is another hobby!Tongue Out


How about this one? WiFi? I'm getting a tablet...... Hmmmmm.....

IPhone Wifi Control 3.5CH RC Helicopter with Camera

I've seen mods of my plane go 200km/h.
I think I should have gotten a trainer first.