Hello, an explaination for you.

Hi, I come in peace, I had my wireless hacked for around 6 months starting last year. I had my internet connection disconnected and I had to run a wringer to get it back on. I was told this forum was one of many hacked using ( this ) isp address. I was also told a few details that this person or people were accusing forum users ( this one, I’m not sure ) of being paedophiles etc. I would like to say sorry for anything that may have come this way on my isp address. Just fyi I personally was cleared of any wrong-doing. we are still not sure who did this. I will take a look around this site and I hope I have explained something useful to people on here who are long term members. peace

Be sure your wireless is using WPA or WPA2 encryption with a strong password & WPS is disabled in your router.

Sorry you had such troubles.

thanks, yes my isp went mental at me scanned my harddrive and pulled my connection. Lets just say all precautions have been taken and it’ll never happen again. thank you

Do you know of a previous username under your IP address?

Does NZShooter ring a bell?

I was only told minimal information I had to wring it out of vodafone. I only know that around 10-12 email accounts were set up using my address. NZ makes sense as I live here but the ‘shooter’ part means nothing sorry.

user name for what ? my isp address?

No worries mate, are you interested in lights by any chance? :smiley:
Edit: I thought someone created an account here with your IP address, so I was wondering if you know his/her BLF username here.

I have one I use on occasions Just a small off-ebay torch uses 1 or 2 18650s. Pretty basic 5 mode thing with the t6 creechip.

sorry i’m with you now, nope I wasn’t told much by vodafone only this was 1 forum that was stamped all over with filth

Make yourself at home, HelloTony!

6 months, ouch.

You got reconnected with the same compromised, blacklisted IP ?

Isp have the autority to do that in the US ?

They removed your connection without informing you in detail about the things they though you were guilty of, is this legal ?

How did your clearing process went, legal authorities involved at any moment ?

You’ll like it here, you seem to have a better grasp of what flashlights are about than 99% of the general population

Welcome !

Well I’m not in the US, so yeah, they sure can. but the tools sent me “warnings” via email about the conduct. Buuuuuuut - how was I meant to see those emails when some knob had the account/passwords??? as for blacklisted isp, yeah i got it back - cleared of any gripe/

Wow. Tough luck. It is good you're cleared now but that must have sucked big time while everyone figured out what happened.

But you're welcome here at the BLF for sure. Happy to have you in fact ;-)

It was extremely tough. I was on the phone for 4hours - as my harddrive was looked over remotely. I may stay here as I like my wee torch, but want bigger and brighter. Cheers.