Hi all, I’ve enjoyed flashlights for decades, but really just as a functional tool, they got no special attention.
Until September 2022. When I discovered BLF and ZeroAir. And Reddit/flashlight. And Parametrek. Which led to Convoy, Wurkkos, and Anduril 2.0.
So here is the STOC going back to the early 1980s:
Left to right, from the early 80’s a trusty Kel-Lite.
Then an Inova, don’t remember the model and it’s not marked.
Fenix E05, my longest carried flashlight.
The newest light, a Wurkkos TS25, Nichia 519K, 5000K.
Convoy S2+, Nichia 519A, 4500K, with blue LED switch. I also have the short tube for that.
Convoy S21D, Nichia 519A, 4500K, with blue LED switch, and all the various lenses. I think there is a 10 degree in it.
Wurkkos TS10, 4000K, red secondaries. My current EDC.
Then a triple Fogg-IT 1/2 gal per minute sprayer, and a small DRAMM water breaker, flooders of a different type.
In the back are Tillandsia Houston, Tillandsia magnusiana, Tillandsia pseudobaileyi, and a small pot of wayward Tillandsias, including T. funckiana, and maybe T. ionantha.
I live in Downeast Maine. I might get one or two more flashlights, maybe a brass TS10 or other metal if available. Maybe a Hank light. But it won’t be a big collection, just a small number of my favorites.
I might also look into developing the ability to flash firmware. My background is technology and science, and I like the thought of being able to maintain/upgrade my light.