Hello everyone from italy

hi my name is ultrafire, and I come from Italy. I am happy to greet you all, great forum

Welcome to BLF :slight_smile:


Ultrafire is your real name or forum nickname?

You're going to love it here, ultrafire!

The reputation of your batteries precede you, but some of your flashlights are quite nice. :)

ooh! a new one, nice!

Hi guy, welcome from…. Italy. Another italian flashaholic :slight_smile: .


Welcome to BLF

Welcome to BLF ultrafire :slight_smile:

Yessss!!! :bigsmile:
Welcome and ciaoooo

Skip to 0:18

Welcome :party:

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I thought that you were from China. lol

Welcome to the BLF!

I hope you have fun here. I know I do!

Welcome to BLF, ultrafire!

thank you all for welcoming me into your forum,
I understand the jokes about my nickname, but you should know that being enrolled in another forum (cpf Italy), I chose the same nickname for me to recognize users by any of the other forums, another thing you should know that is when I chose this nickname (more than a year ago), I was convinced that it was a very good brand ultrafire (now I laugh for choosing this nickname).
thank you all again

Welcome to the BLF , ultrafire. Enjoy yourself here.

Welcome on BLF!

Nice to meet you! ultrafire,Welcome !

Welcome to blf ultrafire.

Trustfire,singfire,marsfire,spiderfire, surefire are

Expecting your grand entrance, with a bang