Hello form UK

Hi people.

Well I have to say… This seems a far nicer forum than the “other” one!

I was lambasted buy a certain mod who I’m sure most of you will guess, for daring to ask about off road lighting mods.

Anyway, enough of that, I have had a read through the forum and it would seem I would get a different response on here.

Cheers everyone.

Dave. :slight_smile:

Welcome always nice to see another fellow UK member :slight_smile:

Welcome from another UK member :slight_smile:

Welcome to BLF!

Hi and welcome. :slight_smile:

What’s your question about off road lighting?

Welcome! Prepare to be "resident evil'ed" :-)

Hello Dave and welcome to BLF

@ Chicken Drumstick


Want to install a couple of maybe XHP70’s into some off road lights for my mates landrover (Salisbury plains) so def off roading!

I will put a post up later.



“resident evil’ed” go on then enlighten me…


Thanks for the welcomes people…

Friendly place.


Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Welcome to the BLF :wink: and Enjoy yourself ! 8)

Hello and welcome.


It's nice of you to join us, Davevo 5k!


Why would anyone "Resident Evil" you?

That's just crazy talk...

Hello and welcome from the North East.


Thanks people

There you go Davevo :-P

Raccoon C - I think your welcomes are awesome! :-)

... Think I'll go see one of the Resident Evil movies now ... See y'all

This is yor official welcome ter our forum! Honest guv!

Welcome to the forum!


Welcome to BLF.

Hello from the UK.