Hi all! My interest in flashlights started in November last year when I decided I needed one. Then I read far too much on the topic and I placed way more orders than I should have. Here's what's come in so far:
Hi all! My interest in flashlights started in November last year when I decided I needed one. Then I read far too much on the topic and I placed way more orders than I should have. Here's what's come in so far:
I can’t decide if I should be talking myself into or out of a Convoy L6. I have no use for it or place to put it, yet I want one!
Welcome to BLF, the rest will chime in. Lots of different time zones and work schedules.
Yeah if that is how it started then you are in the right place.
It’s just started. lol
Thanks for the warm welcome guys
Convoy L6 ordered. That’s the last one, I swear!
Make yourself at home, Daneel!
@ Daneel,
Once you’ve received your welcome “Milla” it’s like The Kiss Of Death to your wallet!
It starts small, but then, most Madness does.
Looks like you’ve got off to a good start with your collection.
Enjoy, much to learn here, and a good crowd.
That’s all you got?
I appreciate your self-discipline, but….
Your last sentence is incomplete. It should read:
That’s the last one for this month, I swear!
(It’s always better to make promises that one can actually keep, dontchathink?)
Welcome to the forum. If you buy it, shelf space will come.
had L6 and gave it as a present. Nice light good throw. Consider haikelite mt07 and the currently-in-design BLF GT (gigathrower or something). L6 is kind of long but very good for the money.